Archives for October 2012

31 Days to Becoming an Organized Mom: Day 21- Intentional Fun & Rest

You may have guessed by now that I am all about taking time to rest in your week.  Let’s become intentional about it by scheduling in time to rest and to have fun.  I can be really bad about just staying busy and not taking time to rest and relax.  Today, in addition to taking a sabbath {a day of rest} every week, I am adding fun and rest to my calendar for the month. I am deciding on a few fun things to do and scheduling them intentionally. I would encourage you to do the same.

Enjoy your day!!

31 Days to Becoming an Organized Mom: Day 20- Shopping Smart

Yesterday I did a lot of thinking about shopping: How I shop. Why I shop.  It was all prompted by me trying on a sweater that was similar to one that I had seen on someone else. It looked amazing on her. However, when I tried it on, I didn’t really like it on me.  I then had this inner struggle about whether or not to buy it because it looked good on her and perhaps it looked good on me too I just couldn’t tell?! But I didn’t love it.  Should I buy a sweater that may or may not look good on me because I loved it on someone else.  I mean it’s not like I was trying to squeeze into skinny jeans just because they looked good on someone else.

In the end, I decided not to buy the sweater. After all, I am really trying to live by the “only buy if you love” rule. The whole ordeal had me evaluating my shopping habits for the rest of the day though.  Do I buy stuff when I get in a certain mood?  Do I buy stuff because it looks good on someone else or in someone else’s home?  Do I buy things because I go on  a tangent {like I decide I love turquoise or that I need more picture frames all of a sudden}?

Only buying what I really need and love will take some mental strength and determination.  I need to determine my rules for myself before I go shopping and stick to them!

How about you? What are your shopping habits?  Do you have rules for yourself when you shop?

31 Days to Becoming an Organized Mom: Day 19- Quick, Tackle Something!

Quick, what’s one thing you have been putting off because it seemed overwhelming or it just isn’t a seemingly fun task?  Why not do it today?  I know it might seem agonizing to start but I want you to think for a minute about what completing this task would mean at once it’s done.  Would you be happy that it is done? Would you feel like a weight has been lifted? Would you feel accomplished and have momentum to keep seeing these kinds of results in other areas? Those are all great reasons to do it today!

Join me in tackling something today that you have been putting off and lets see how much we can, collectively, accomplish.  I have a full day already but I am intentionally making time for a few things I have been putting off. I look forward to hearing about all that we overcome today {and into the weekend if necessary}.

Which task will you tackle today?

31 Days to Becoming an Organized Mom: Day 18- Beauty Only

After the last few days of pondering organization and getting rid of clutter I am reminded of my desire for beauty only.  That is, I only want beautiful things that I love to grace my home.  The problem is that, especially with children, there are so many things that aren’t beautiful and that I don’t love in my home right now.  So this is my focus today: Beautify.  Remove {what I can} that isn’t beautiful and focusing on what is.

I have lived in my current home for over 3 years now.  In our prior home I had worked very hard to get it to look how I wanted it.  But here, the “want to” is there, it’s just that my time has been so limited.  I haven’t known where to start so in a lot of ways I haven’t started. Since I began this series the “want to” has greatly increased. I long for beauty and organization in my home.

So the search for beauty begins…in my home, in closets and beyond.  I long to find the beauty in the clutter, pull it out, shine it off, and display it. Those empty spaces around the things I love, I want to fill with a more lovely…more beauty. Not more clutter. Not more things to organize.  Just more beauty.

How about you?  Do you struggle with where to start beautifying your home?  Do you have empty space because time hasn’t allowed you to add beauty?  Why not today?  Join me in looking for beauty and putting it where it goes? Or maybe removing ugly just so that beauty can shine through?

31 Days to Becoming an Organized Mom: Day 17 Remembering Why We Do It

Since we are a little over halfway done with our 31 Days to Becoming an Organized Mom I thought I would remind us all to remember why we do it.  Do you remember the story I shared at the very beginning about what led me to even start this series?  I do so much for others and felt so convicted about letting my family have the leftovers of me and what that said to them. I very much want to live a lifestyle that indicated to my precious family that they are the MOST important thing to me.

So today I am remembering why I do the hard work, why the work toward organizing and decluttering are worth the extra time and energy.  I am writing down my reasons {well, typing them in a pretty font that I can print out and frame. I’ll share tomorrow}. I want to keep my focus so that I stay motivated.

How about you? What are your reasons? What keeps you motivated?