Your Mom Designs Etsy Shop: Awesome Gifts for Kids (& A $20 Giveaway)

First of all, I have to tell you that today I am sharing with you my sister’s Etsy Shop: Your Mom Designs.  She can whip up adorable crotchet hats, super hero masks, play food, nesting bowls and more.  I may be a little biased because I love her so much but I do think she makes some of the cutest stuff ever!  
Each piece of hers is handmade and high quality.  We have had several hats and play food items that have lasted for years and are still in great shape.  If any of it gets dirty I just throw it in a gentle cycle in the wash and it comes out looking as good as new.

Your Mom Designs hats are so cute and practical!  We really like to use them for pictures and for when the weather turns cooler.  There are some really cute designs or you can even request custom hats. Recently I wanted a little teddy bear hat as a gift for a little boy and I paid her to make one.  It was so incredibly cute and such a unique gift to give.

no guilt burger to go

 no guilt coffee break with cupcake

My girls love to have tea parties and play kitchen and we love Your Mom Designs play food. It is way cuter than plastic food and is soft so even little ones can play with it safely. My girls have loved getting different sets for birthdays or Christmas.

 Such a great stocking stuffer idea!
Need a great baby or toddler gift?  These nesting bowls are so much fun to play with. Kids love the bright colors and you can stack them inside themselves or turn them over and stack them up high.

Purchase: If you’d like to purchase any of the above items or more visit Your Mom Designs and use the code: MommyKudos for a 15% discount.
Win a $20 credit to shop Your Mom Designs with by following the instructions below